Written By Co-z
Special Thanks to Mrcsupertrain
Welcome to the city of Burthorpe, located just north of Taverley. There are all sorts of things here for you to do, from playing board games, working on quests or killing Trolls!
Map of the City
The Castle
Located in the northern part of the city is the Burthorpe Castle. It is the home of Eohric and circled in red on the above map. There's not a lot to do in here, but when you enter you'll notice that there is a table with colored balls next to it. This is a puzzle from the Death Plateau Quest.
Games Room
The Burthorpe Games Room is located below the castle and here you can play games such as Runelink and Draughts with other players. Winning games will raise your ranking. A Sapphire Games Necklace can also teleport you directly to the games room.
There aren't any shops besides the General Store (blue circle) here in Burthorpe.
General Store
This is just a regular General Store. It sells regular items sold in General Stores, as well as empty Tea Cups, which are used in a few quests to make tea, such as One Small Favour.
Burthorpe Supplies |
Picture |
Item |
Price |
Pot |
1gp |
Jug |
1gp |
Shears |
1gp |
Bucket |
2gp |
Bowl |
5gp |
Cake Tin |
13gp |
Tinderbox |
1gp |
Chisel |
1gp |
Hammer |
1gp |
Newcomer Map |
1gp |
Cup |
2gp |
Other Attractions
There are all sorts of things to check out here in Burthorpe!
The Pub
The Toad and Chicken Pub (circled in light green) is where you can buy Asgarnian Ales, Dwarven Stouts and Wizard's Mindbombs for 2-3gp each. They restock quickly, so if you need lots of them, this is the place to buy them!
The Toad and Chicken |
Picture |
Item |
Price |
Asgarnian Ale |
2gp |
Wizard's Mindbomb |
2gp |
Dwarven Stout |
2gp |
You can also enter the Rogue's Den by speaking to the Bartender and not buying a beer. He'll mention about a "singing squirrel," and you should reply by talking about a "dancing cat." You must have 50 Agility and Thieving to enter.
The Soldiers are circled in cyan on the map. The attackable ones are level 48 with Claws. This area is the training ground for them with dummies and such for them to practice on.
Denulth's House
Just south of them (and circled in orange) is Denulth. Here you can start both the Death Plateau and Troll Stronghold Quests.
In the northeast corner of the city, you can find a building with anvils and Dunstan. This building is circled yellow on the map. The anvils are not that useful, because there are no furnaces or banks nearby. However, Dunstan is a useful person, because he can make you some Spiked Boots and Sleds, used in Desert Treasure, Death Plateau, and Troll Romance. After completing the Troll Stronghold Quest, Dunstan will also give you a Law Talisman for a reward. If you ever happen to lose yours, just speak to him to get another.
After completing the Troll Stronghold Quest, Dunstan will also give you a Law Talisman for a reward. If you ever happen to lose yours, just speak to him to get another.
Slayer Master
South of the General Store (circled in pink) is Turael the Slayer Master. He gives easy assignments.
Heroes Guild
Southwest of the city (circled in white) is the Heroes' Guild. There's a dungeon inside, where you can kill Blue Dragons and charge your Dragonstone Amulet at the Fountain of Heroes. There are also some Mithril, Adamantite and Rune rocks to mine.
The Warriors' Guild
West of the city (circled in purple) is another guild, the Warriors' Guild. To enter, you need to have a total of 130 when you add your attack level and strength level together. Inside you can find some shops, a bank, some games, and the chance to earn yourself a rune defender.
The Death Plateau
A big part of this city is the Death Plateau, where you'll find Trolls that you can train on. Several quests also take place up here. Follow the road to the northwest to leave the city and head towards the plateau.
Saba's Cave
The first place you'll see while following this road is Saba's Cave, which is built into the side of the plateau. During the Death Plateau Quest, he tells you about Tenzing. The cave is circled in black on the map.
Tenzing's House
To the west, you'll find Tenzing's house. It's circled in gray on the above map, and he will sell you some Climbing Boots once you finish the Death Plateau Quest.
There are some Chickens wandering around behind the house, and you can also climb over the Stile to follow the secret path to the north. This will bring you to the entrance to the Stronghold, or to the plateau where you will be able to fight the Trolls.
The Plateau
You can either follow along that path to get to the plateau, or follow along the lower path just after Saba's Cave. But beware, if you follow the lower path, you'll be attacked by level 67 Thrower Trolls, so be sure to use your Protect From Missiles Prayer.
Once you reach the Death Plateau, you'll find lots of Trolls to fight:
- Kraka & Pee Hat - level 91 (non-aggressive)
- Mountain Trolls - level 69 (aggressive)
- Rock - level 104 (aggressive)
- Stick - level 111 (aggressive)
Kraka and Pee Hat are the two trolls guarding the entrance to the plateau, although they don't seem to attack you when you enter. The Mountain Trolls will attack you, and they are found all over the plateau. Rock and Stick are found to the south of the plateau and are the largest Trolls around. Rock will sometimes drop Granite Shields.