Written By Gardner28
Special Thanks to Magic Star94, PokemonTrainer, Cxkslei, Nick
Welcome to Edgeville! This is one of the most quiet cities in RuneScape, next to Rimmington of course. Aside from a bank, a general store, and a few rare trees, Edgeville doesn't have much going on.
A Map of the City
(1) Edgeville Bank
This is the center of activity in Edgeville. From here, players can access their bank accounts before making trips to the Wilderness, or in between loads of Yew logs.
(4) Yew Trees
There are 2 Yew trees near the entrance to the Edgeville Dungeon. If your Woodcutting level is over 60, this could be a good place for you to cut Yew logs. The nearby bank makes it easy to fill up quickly and get right back to work chopping logs.
There are also some Nettles nearby which you can pick up while wearing Gloves. They're used to make Nettle Tea.
(7) The Barn
Inside the barn, there are several level-2 Men. This is a somewhat common training area for players with lower combat levels.
Upstairs, there is little more than a few crates and other useless things to look at. However, this is a common place for people to hold drop parties, since not many players tend to venture up into the loft of the barn.
(8) The Jail
This is the Edgeville Prison. There are a few level-21 guards patrolling the area, but they are non-aggressive, so no need to worry about being attacked. The only thing useful in this building is the Iron Mace respawn in the corner next to the door.
(9) The Well
In the center of the city, one can find a small well. This can be useful for those who are looking to add water to their clay. The bank is only a few steps away, and makes for quick Soft Clay. It could also be used to make dough, which could then be cooked in the Upper Level of the General Store.
(10) Evil Dave's House
This house is used in the "Evil Dave" part of the Recipe for Disaster Quest, and it is home to both Evil Dave and his mother.
(11) Monastery
Just around the ridge from Edgeville, lies the Monastery, also known as the Prayer Guild. Here, players are able to heal up a bit after a trip to the Wilderness, or pray at the Altar upstairs and receive a temporary 2 prayer points added on to their prayer level.
(12) The Wilderness
Edgeville, although lacking in other areas, has become the Hub for Wilderness activity. Due to the availability of the bank, and the Monastery, Edgeville is often the gathering place for clans, or player-killing teams. A short walk of about 15 seconds north will land you in Level 1 Wilderness.
(13) Cooking Guild
To the South of Edgeville, closer to Varrock actually, is the Cooking Guild. Here you'll find all sorts of accessories for cooking, but you'll need a Chef's Hat and at least level 32 cooking to enter first!
There are 2 different shops in Edgeville, including a General Store as well as Oziach's shop.
(2) General Store
This is where you can buy basic items, just like any other General Store in RuneScape.
Edgeville General Store |
Picture |
Item |
Price |
Pot |
1gp |
Jug |
1gp |
Shears |
1gp |
Bucket |
2gp |
Bowl |
5gp |
Cake Tin |
13gp |
Tinderbox |
1gp |
Chisel |
1gp |
Hammer |
1gp |
Newcomer Map |
1gp |
Climbing up the ladder, one can find a Range in the upper floor of this shop.
(5) Oziach's Cottage
After starting the Dragon Slayer Quest, which is begun by speaking to the Guild Master at the Champion's Guild, you are told to go and speak to a man named Oziach. In order to be able to wear a Rune Platebody, or Green Dragonhide body, you must complete the Dragon Slayer Quest. Once you have done so, Oziach will then sell these items to you.
He is found just outside of the main wall of the city, to the west. Just ask to see what he's selling to access his shop.
Oziach |
Picture |
Item |
Price |
Rune Platebody |
84,500gp |
Dragonhide Body |
10,140gp |
Edgeville Dungeon
The Edgeville Dungeon is one of the most popular places in this city. You'll find a variety of monsters to train on, as well as a mine. For members, there's even a Wilderness section of the dungeon.
(3) Edgeville Entrance
Through the trapdoor south of the bank, you'll find the Edgeville Dungeon. Inside, the monsters range from level 2 Spiders, to level 42 Hobgoblins.
If you haven't been here before, the dungeon can seem rather complicated. Be prepared to face some aggressive Skeletons and Zombies inside.
Wilderness Area
Following along the tunnel for a short time will bring you to a gate, only accessible if you're a Member. This area is dangerous, as other PKers can attack you (the rules of the Wilderness still apply here). There are monsters ranging from Chaos Druids and Poison Scorpions to Black Demons here, and you'll also find the Air and Earth Obelisks further inside.
The Demon Chronozon from the Family Crest Quest can be found here as well, in a small area off to the west.
The Dungeon
Continuing from there, we'll also find Vannaka the Slayer Master near the Wilderness entrance. After following the passage for awhile, you'll come to the mine. here you can find various rocks, including:
- 6 Coal rocks
- 2 Adamant rocks
- 1 Mithril rock
- 3 Iron rocks
- 4 Silver rocks
- 2 Clay rocks
Further down into the Dungeon, after you pass the Hobgoblins, there is a large cavern with 12 level 28 Hill Giants. These are a hot spot for training because of the Big Bones that they drop. So this part of the Dungeon is often crowded.
(6) Varrock Entrance
To the southeast of the city is a small house with a locked door. You'll need a Brass Key to enter the dungeon this way, but the advantage is that you have quick access to both the Hill Giants and the mine.
The key can be picked up in a small room past the mine in the dungeon.
The ladder inside the small hut leads directly to the location of the Hill Giants. This provides a short trip to and from the bank when you finish collecting those Big Bones you plan on selling, or when its time for some more food.