Goblin Village
Written By Warren
Original Guide By Burningsun01
Special Thanks To Cxkslei, Evolution, Mrcsupertrain, Simple013
Goblin Village is a tiny village located north of Falador, the village serves a purpose in four quests; Goblin Diplomacy, Recipe for Disaster, Holy Grail and the Lost Tribe. Apart from these quests there isn't much to do here apart from kill Goblins or chop down trees.
Map of the City
(1) Entrance
Welcome to Goblin Village! At the entrance you can chop down Evergreen trees (level 1 Woodcutting), kill or talk to the Goblins or even watch Goblins fight each other! Members can also get sap from the Evergreen trees by using a Knife with it while carrying a bucket in your inventory.
(2) General Bentnoze & Wartface's Hut
General Bentnoze and General Wartface never seem to stop arguing. They play a main role in the Goblin Diplomacy quest as well as being used in The Lost Tribe quest and Recipe for Disaster. General Bentnoze is also a location for a Treasure Trail clue. If you speak to Bentnoze, you will get a puzzle challenge. Also there is a Goblin in here called Grubfoot who keeps being told to 'Shut Up' by the Goblin Generals. There is also a bucket respawn in here, which may be handy if you want to collect Sap from an Evergreen tree but you forgot your bucket.
(3) House
This house serves a role in two quests Holy Grail and Recipe for Disaster. There is also a sack in this room which you can poke (even on a free-world!). During the Holy Grail quest, you can open up the sack and Percival will be in there.
You may also notice a ladder in the house, this leads to a basement, where a Goblin Cook is cooking. This Goblin has a role in Recipe for Disaster. Obviously this Goblin isn't a very good cook (as you can see in the picture) as he has made a mess of his kitchen. He likes the idea of food becoming raw to burnt quickly, so he calls his idea 'Fast Food'.
In the middle of the village is an everlasting fire which you can use to cook food on. In the older days of RuneScape there used to be three stools around the fire but you couldn't sit on them. They have been removed since they have no purpose now.
General Wartface

General Bentnoze


Goblin Cook