Elf Camp
Written By Sir Sibannac
Welcome to the Elf Camp. This place is located in the north-western bit of the Elf country Isafdar, just next to their town of Prifdinnas. For information on getting here make sure to check out the Map of Isafdar.
Map of the City
(1) The Main Camp
Inside the camp there is a useful fire that never goes out (handy for cooking the rabbit and fish you can get nearby), some Elf Warriors that can be killed for slayer, a loom for the Regicide quest and Lord Iowerth, to whom you may have to talk to for a level 3 clue scroll (there is no worthier lord). If you want to know more about him I can tell you that he is also the evil ruler of Prifdinnas and is fighting the rebel elves in Lletya and their human ally Tyras, who is the king of West Ardougne.
(2 & 3) Fishing Spots
Northwest of the camp are 2 fishing spots for Sharks and Big Net fishing, very useful if you are killing Elves. Nearby are lots of level 2 Rabbits.
Southwest of the camp are many fishing spots for lure and bait fishing.
You will find the following people here at the Elf Camp:
- Lord Iowerth

The following monsters will also be found wandering the area:
- Elf Warrior (Level 90)

- Elf Warrior (Level 108)

- Rabbit (Level 2)
The level 90 Elf Warrior uses ranged attacks, while the level 108 Elf Warrior uses melee and is able to attack from 2 spaces away. They aren't aggressive, so they won't attack you.