Killerwatt Plane
Written By Micronblast
Special Thanks To Scary Monkey, Mini Jaguar2, quack, gazisere, Warren, OnYx, Martial Fox, Aryth-Mourn, Anubis, Evolution, Tusse Won
This is a member area in which players train the Slayer skill by killing the slayer monsters known as Killerwatts. They are given as an assignment by Vannaka and Chaeldar.
Warning: Before entering this area you must be warned that if you are epileptic you should not enter this area.
The Basics
To kill killerwatts you need at least level 37 slayer and you should be able to deal with a powerful level 55. They use magical attacks, so you should be able to wear dragonhide armor and have a decent weapon.
What to Bring
These are insulated boots, they are essential for killing killerwatts, without them you will die. You can buy them from any slayer master.
- Helmet: Berserker Helmet - Good Defense (can be swapped with Farseer Helm). Or if you have a Killerwatt assignment you could use Black Mask (see note below).
- Necklace: Amulet of Glory - Allows quick Teleportation to Draynor Village.
- Weapon: Whip or Dragon Long/Scimitar - Needed to hit high damage.
- Gloves: Dragonhide vambraces, Klank's Gauntlets, (Bronze - Barrows) Gloves or Steel Gauntlets (reward from Family Crest quest).
- Shield: Defender, Saradomin Book or Elemental shield - All have good magic defense bonus.
- Body: Best dragonhide you can wear - You need good magic defense
- Legs: Best dragonhide you can wear - You need good magic defense
- Boots: Insulated Boots - Needed to kill Killerwatts!
- Ring: No ring is needed but ring of wealth gives better drops.
- Cape: Legends, Fire, Obsidian, Achievement or God Cape - You need good magic defense
Note: The Black Mask gives a 15% attack bonus against a monster you are assigned to kill.
Getting There
There is a portal leading to the area from draynor manor. Follow the path on the map to get to Draynor Manor from Draynor Village:
When you get inside, head up to the top floor to reach the portal:
Click on the portal and Professor Oddenstein will talk to you:
Warning message If you do not have insulated boots on you will get this message:
Inside the area will look like this:
And this is a killerwatt:

Killerwatts are level 55, and require 37 slayer to kill. They are also non-aggressive. They are the only things of interest in this area.
If you didn't bring insulated boots this will happen to you:
To leave the area, walk to the white portal called home portal. 
If you are lost, it's the only thing on the mini-map besides yellow dots: