Written By Mrcsupertrain
Original Guide By M Jordan20
Special Thanks To Mole, Simple013,`Zero, Lordmccoy, Achaudry, Gain Again, Xaene, PokemonTrainer, Ziggy9677, Warren
Lumbridge is the first town you'll arrive at after completing Tutorial Island. This town is also the place where you will respawn if you die. You'll find that there are a few starter quests here, some tutors to help new players, a bank, and more. To get here, you can teleport, walk, take a Canoe, or teleport. There is a level 31 magic spell that will teleport you to Lumbridge for 3 air runes, 1 law rune, and 1 earth rune. If you have a low magic level or no runes, then you can use the Lumbridge Home Teleport. It will teleport you to Lumbridge for free, but you may only cast the spell every 30 minutes.
Map of the City
The Castle
Point one is our first attraction, Lumbridge Castle. How can we forget about the castle? The castle is a big place with a lot of helpful resources for newer players, and even for some high-leveled players. You can start quests, train cooking & crafting, bank your items, and much more.
Castle Courtyard
Before we go inside the castle, lets talk about the courtyard outside the castle. This is the area where you will respawn if you die. If you are a member and have completed Recruitment Drive, then you can change your death respawn to Falador. There are two fountains located outside to refill vials, bowls, and whatever else can hold water. There is also a level-2 man and woman you can kill. Walking around the castle you can find Hans. You can ask him “Where am I?” and “Who's in charge of this place?” If you want, you can scare Hans, and tell him you have come to kill everyone in the castle!
The Kitchen
It is time we take a look at the inside of the castle. Open the door and head south. Then, move west until you find a door. Open the door to find yourself in the kitchen. In the kitchen, you can find a sink, a range, a table with a bowl & pot respawn, and The Cook! He is the quest start point for Cook's Assistant and Runescape's 100th quest, Recipe for Disaster. The Cook can help players with their some of their problems. For members, he can give some information on Culinaromancers' chest once you have started Recipe for Disaster. Once you complete Cook's Assistant, he will allow you to use his range. The range here is a special one, because it can reduce your chances of burning food. It is one of the best places for cooking.
The Dining Room
The dining room is located north of the Kitchen. It contains ten chairs and is used in Recipe for Disaster. It is the room where everyone is frozen in time and where you feed them their special meal to complete their mini-quest. Other than that, the dining room isn't that interesting.
The Second Floor
There are two sets of stairs in the northwest corner and the southwest corner of the ground floor. They will lead you to the second and top floor of the castle. There are some item respawns near each staircase. Next to the northeast staircase is a bronze arrow respawn, and next to the southwest corner is a mind rune respawn.
Spinning Wheel Room
If you take the southwest stair, this is the first room on your right. This room contains a spinning wheel and The Crafting Tutor. The Crafting Tutor will give crafting advice to all players of all crafting levels. He can also tell you about all the different types of crafts. Besides the tutor, there are other small attractions in this room. There is a bronze dagger respawn on top of the dresser. You can find a chest with H.A.M robes it in, used in the Lost Tribe quest. There is also a level-2 man and woman walking around the room.
Duke Horacio's Room
North of the Spinning Wheel Room is the bedroom of Duke Horacio. Duke Horacio is found in this room along with Sigmund. The Duke is the start point for the Rune Mysteries quest. If you have started Dragon Slayer, then you can talk to him to receive an Anti-Dragon Shield. For newer players, the Duke can give you some advice on making money. For members, Sigmund is the quest start point for the Lost Tribe quest.
The Top Floor
Once again, you'll find stairs leading to this floor in the northwest and southwest corner of the second floor. On this floor you can find a bank for free-to-play and members. There are also some cannons that protect the castle. The bank is located in the center of the top floor. The Bank tutor is in charge of the bank. She can do everything a normal banker can do, but will also give you information on using your bank the right way.
The Bank & Cannons
Around the top floor are some cannons. Sometimes you may get a treasure trail scroll, which will lead to a challenge scroll. Hans or the Cook are usually the NPC's who give you the challenge questions. One question you might receive is "How many cannons does Lumbridge Castle have?" The answer is on the top floor: 9. This might be useful when completing your clue.
The Basement
Walk down the stairs and enter the Kitchen again. You can find a trap door near the range. This leads to the cellar or basement of the castle.
The cellar is a cold place and filled with spider webs. A few level-1 spiders crawl around the walls and the floor of the basement. Behind the ladder from which you entered is a pair of leather boots. To the north is a table with a knife and bucket respawn. Next to the knife and bucket is also a sink. To the west of the sink is a small stool where a jug respawns. In the southeast corner is a covered-up hole, which you can mine open during the Lost Tribe quest. It opens up a quick route to the Lumbridge Swamp Caves and the Dorgeshuun Mines. In the northeast corner, there is table with a cabbage on it. For members, behind this table is Culinaromancers' Chest from Recipe For Disaster. The chest won't appear until you have completed two portions of Recipe for Disaster. In this chest, you will find a weapons shop, a food shop, and a bank. You cannot use the chest if you are a member on the free-to-play server.
The Town
Now that we have covered the castle, let's go look around the town. Leave the castle though the doors you entered and head east to leave the courtyard and the castle.
(2) Bob's Brilliant Axes and Cooking Tutor
Outside the castle toward the south of the town, you can find a store and another tutor. The store is Bob's Brilliant Axes, owned by bob. Bob sells woodcutting axes and combat battle-axes. He can also repair your barrows armor, for a price.
Bob's Brilliant Axes |
Picture |
Item |
Price |
Bronze Pickaxe |
1gp |
Bronze Axe |
16gp |
Iron Axe |
56gp |
Steel Axe |
200gp |
Iron Battleaxe |
182gp |
Steel Battleaxe |
650gp |
Mithril Battleaxe |
1,690gp |
If you keep going south, you will find a small house, which is home to the cooking tutor. This house has a range for your cooking needs. The cooking tutor can give you advice on cooking, whether you are a beginning chef or an advance chef. He can also explain to you about the different types of food.
(3) The Chapel
There are three special attractions inside the chapel. First, we have Father Aereck. Father Aereck is the quest start point for The Restless Ghost. He really isn't that useful for anything else, besides that quest. Next, we have the prayer tutor. She is useful for newer players who are having difficulties training their prayer level. She can tell you about the different types of bones. Although newbies with probably benefit more, she can give advice for all players with beginning to advance prayer levels. The last thing in the chapel is the altar, where you can recharge your prayer points.
(4) The Graveyard
The graveyard is a quite place with little to do here. It plays a part in the Restless Ghost quest and has a pathway, which will lead into the Lumbridge swamp. In the northeast corner, there is a yew tree for woodcutting.
(5) Lumbridge Guide & Signposts
Going North, you can find a house will a level-2 man and woman. Outside the house, you can find the Lumbridge Guide. He will welcome you to Lumbridge and is very helpful for starting Runescape. He can tell you about account safety, finding and starting quests, training advice, making money, and finding the nearest bank.
If you go a few steps southeast of the Lumbridge guide, you can find a signpost. Signposts are found in a variety of places in Lumbridge. A screen will pop up similar to the one below, with directions to different towns in directions of North, South, East, and West.
(6) Al Kharid Passage
Near the Lumbridge Guide, you can find a bridge, which will take you across to another part of Lumbridge. Wandering around are level-2 goblins, and if you keep going east you can find the Al-Kharid Gate. Beyond this gate is the city of Al-Kharid, and to pass though the gate you need to pay the guards 10gp. However, if you become a friend of Al-Kharid, by completing Prince Ali Rescue, then the guards will allow you to pass for free.
(7) Goblin House & Canoe Station
A few steps northwest of the Al-Kharid Gate, you can find the goblin house and a Canoe Station. The goblin house is full of goblins that are level-2, and drop basic bronze weapons, chef's hat, challenge scrolls, and level-1 clue scrolls! In the southeast corner of the house, you can find an Iron dagger respawn. Outside the house near the Canoe Station are some fishing spots with options to “Lure” and “Bait”.
(8) Smithing and Woodcutting Help
Cross the bridge north of the goblin house to end up back on the side of Lumbridge we started on. The first thing you should notice is a building with the Smithing Apprentice and a furnace. The furnace can be used to smelt ores you have mined into bars.
The Smithing Apprentice is NOT a tutor. You can talk to him to learn that his master, the Smithing tutor, can be found in Varrock. You will get a message like this:
Walk outside of the furnace building to find the Woodcutting tutor. He can teach you the basics of woodcutting along with the advance techniques for higher-level woodcutters. He can also explain to you the different types of trees and axes. If you have 99 woodcutting, they you can buy a Woodcutting Cape of Achievement for 99,000gp from the Woodcutting tutor.
(9) General Store and Combat Tutors
The general store is where you can sell anything for cash. It also has a default stock of cheap items. Newer players can sell their unwanted equipment received on Tutorial Island, or their logs and ores they mined or cut from the trees or rocks found around Lumbridge.
Lumbridge General Store |
Picture |
Item |
Price |
Pot |
1gp |
Jug |
1gp |
Shears |
1gp |
Bucket |
2gp |
Bowl |
5gp |
Cake Tin |
13gp |
Tinderbox |
1gp |
Chisel |
1gp |
Hammer |
1gp |
Newcomer Map |
1gp |
Security Book |
2gp |
Two of the most useful items for newer players are the newcomer map and the security book. The security book will teach you about keeping your account safe and about the mini-game Stronghold Of Security. The newcomer map will pop-up a detailed map on your screen showing towns and tutors.
The Tutors found outside the General store to the south are the Combat, Magic, and Ranging Tutor. There are three that specialize in one of the three fighting methods. The Melee tutor will give you a training shield and sword, the ranging tutor will give you a training bow and some training arrows, and the magic tutor will give you some air and mind runes to practice the basics. They can each give advice on leveling up depending on your magic, melee, or range level.
However, if you have mind runes, air runes, training bow & arrows, training shield, or a training sword already, you cannot receive a second one from the tutors. You need to drop them & wait for them to disappear, destroy them, or use them up in training. If any of these weapons are in your bank, the tutor will inform you that “you already have ITEM in your bank”. Then, you will get a message telling you where you can find a bank:
Also, you must wait every 30 minutes to receive more training weapons if you have used them all up. By the way, you cannot have more than one training set at the same time. For example, if you get training runes from the magic tutor, you cannot go and get training bow and arrows, until after 30 minutes.
(10) Farmer Fred's Farm and Cabbage
North of the general store and the combat tutors is a house home to Farmer Fred. Before we go inside, let's take a look outside. Outside in the entrance way you can find five level-1 chickens. They drop feathers and raw chicken. Now let's go inside the home. Inside, there is a table with a shears respawn, a sink, a churn, two chests, and of course, Farmer Fred. You can ask Farmer Fred “I'm lost” or “I'm looking for something to kill”. Alternately, you can start the Sheep Shearer quest, or ask about the penguins disguised as sheep.
South of Farmer Fred's House is Farmer Fred's garden. This little garden has twelve onions you can pick. East of Farmer Fred's house and garden is Farmer Fred's pen. You can enter the pen by going past the gate on the east side of the gate, or you can climb-over a stile on the north part of the gate. Inside, you can find some sheep and level-2 Rams. You can use shears on the sheep and receive a some wool. If you look around, you can find an odd looking sheep. It is actually two penguins disguised as a sheep. They are used in the Cold War quest.
To the north of Farmer Fred's house is a field of cabbage, 83 to be exact. It is unknown if it is the property of Farmer Fred. You can pick cabbage and find a few level-2 imps wandering around, as well as some crows.
(11) Farming Patch and Yew Tree
West of the Lumbridge Castle and down south of Farmer Fred's Farm is a yew tree and a tree farming patch. Yew Trees require 60 woodcutting to chop down and the farming patch requires a farming level of whatever tree you are trying to plant. You can find more yew trees west of Lumbridge along the pathway that leads to Draynor Village. Wandering around this area are Fayeth and the Tools Leprechaun. Fayeth is a professional farmer, and can look after your crops. She can also offer farming advice and sell basic farming equipment. The Tools Leprechaun can hold some of your farming equipment.
Gee and Donie
You might have noticed two NPC's walking all around Lumbridge. They're names are Gee and Donie. They are both very alike and give small and simple advice for newer players. You can ask them “What's up?” “Where am I?” and “How are you”. Along with those questions, you can ask about quests, inform Gee or Donie that their shoes are untied, ask about their hair styles, or you can ask to buy their stick. Of course, they will argue that their “stick” is actually a magic staff and not for sale, but it is just a stick.
The Swamp
(12) The Entrance
We have viewed and covered everything in the Lumbridge City, so let's head south. Down south is the swamp filled with swamp tar all over the ground and giant rats and goblins preying on those un-lucky victims. But, not to worry! The rats are only level-6 & goblins level-5, and the tar is used for sticking things together. The entrance to the swamp can be found at the south end of the Lumbridge Graveyard. There will be a pathway in the middle of the gate. Walk right through and welcome to the swamp!
(13) Al Kharid Shortcut
If you continue south, you will find a strong yew tree. You cannot woodcut this tree, but you can swing from it! If you have a Mithril grappling hook, then this attraction on the map is just the place for you. In the River Lum, there is a broken raft with a “grapple” option. You can swing yourself to the raft, and then swing the hook to one of the strong trees. One way will take you to the swamp, and the other way is to Al-Kharid. This shortcut requires a Mithril Grapple Hook, level 8 agility, and level 19 strength.
(14) Fishing Tutor
Down in the swamp you can also find some more tutors. This is the first tutor we are going to meet, the fishing tutor. The fishing tutor is pretty much like all the others. He can give you advice on fishing based on your fishing level, teach you about the different types of fishes, and can tell you where and what you should fish. Along the coastline are some fishing spots with the options to “Net” and “Bait”.
(15) The Southeastern Mine and Tutor
Southwest of the fishing tutor is a mine site and the mining tutor. In the mine site, there are five tin rocks and five copper rocks. Walking around this site is the mining tutor. He can teach you about mining and offer advice. He can also suggest mining-related quests to complete and can teach you about rocks and pickaxes.
(16) The Zanaris Hut
The hunt found northwest of the mine site is the entrance to the city of Zanaris. To enter, you need to compete Lost City and be wielding a Dramen staff. However, you can walk into the hut without a Dramen staff, but you won't be taken to Zanaris. Inside the hut you can find some tools, which include a rake and a spade. There is an option to take one of them, or both.
(17) Water Runecrafting
Are you in the mood for some Runecrafting? Come to this point in the swamp, the water rune altar. Here you can craft water runes with level 5 Runecrafting. To enter, you'll need to use a water talisman on the rocks or be wearing a water tiara.
(18) Lumbridge Swamp Caves
Northwest of the water altar is a hole that leads to the Lumbridge Swamp Caves. Down there you can find a variety of slayer monsters. To enter, use a rope and climb down the hole. Make sure you have a light source, but do not use a candle! A candle is fire, and fumes will explode, as there are gases throughout the caves. Outside the hole is a Candle seller. He sells lit candles for 1000gp. It's a loss of money and it is not safe to have one in the caves.
(19) Southwestern Mining Site
Southwest of the cave entrance is another mine site. This mine site contains seven coal rocks, five Mithril rocks, and two Adamantite rocks.
(20) Father Urhney's House
North of the mine site is the house of Father Urhney. He plays a part in the Restless Ghost quest and gives you the Ghostspeak amulet. The rest of this house is not that interesting. However, you can find a leather glove respawn on the table against the north wall of his house.
(21) The Lost City
At this point, we are at the end of the swamp. Here you can find a ranger, a monk, a wizard, and a warrior. The warrior is the quest start point for the Lost City quest, based on discovering the Lost City of Zanaris. The rest of the clan is looking for Zanaris and won't have much to say to you.