Rune scape helps!!!


Written By Bboyjyoung
Special Thanks to Nazgul Lr, Idontno4750, Thomas154321, Pudd92, Dbdom, Only me395, Redhairgoku, Raz, t3h ownerz, Estar Bren, Sobend, Simple013, Candi, kingchris151, 1800151100, Anubis, Evin290, Bodybordguru, Cxkslei, Evon290, Speedemon37, Cameron Smart, Neo Avatars, Super Wii 64, Cell, Iamyouronly, Golden Arm42

The Slayer skill is much like your Combat skill, although slightly different. This Members-Only skill allows you to fight and kill monsters that you would normally be unable to defeat without the Slayer skill and equipment.

The Basics

The Slayer skill gives you the ability to kill enemies that would otherwise be unharmed by your attacks, by using Slayer equipment and your experience in the skill. You can begin the Slayer skill at any time by speaking to any of the 5 Slayer Masters, located in different parts of the RuneScape world:

If you're having trouble finding a Slayer Master, just look for the Slayer IconSlayer icon on your map. It would also be wise to start off with the Slayer Master in Burthorpe, as he generally gives easier tasks than the others.

Training Slayer

To train your Slayer skill, you first need to get an assignment from one of the Slayer Masters as described above. They will tell you to kill a certain amount (no more than 200) of a kind of monster, and once you've defeated the required amount you can go back to your Slayer Master and get another assignment.

While on an assignment, you'll receive experience only for defeating the type of monster that has been assigned to you. Killing other monsters that have not been assigned to you will not get you any Slayer experience. The amount of experience you receive from each kill is the same as the number of hitpoints the monster has. If two players attack the same monster, one causing the most damage and the other stiking the final blow, the experience will be split in half between each player.

Some Slayer monsters also require you to use a weapon or other item to defend against their attacks. Be sure to bring this item with you at all times during the assignment, and don't attack Slayer monsters without the appropriate things or you may become overwhelmed and killed.

Slayer monsters drop many unique items that can only be obtained by killing them. These items include Black and White Mystic Robes, Armored Boots, Granite Maul, and the Abyssal Whip, as well as Clue Scrolls for Treasure Trails and assorted herbs.

Alternate Monsters

Sometimes your Slayer Master may be a bit vague as to the type of monster that he wants you to kill. He may generalize and say "Kalphites" or "Dragons," which means that you can kill any monster of that type.

  • Kalphites - Kalphite Workers or Soldiers.
  • Dragons - Baby Blue or Red Dragons.
  • Wolves - White Wolf Mountain Wolves.
  • Shades - Various Shades found in Mort'ton.

The Enchanted Gem

Enchanted GemIn Slayer there is a lot of equipment available (details below), but none more necessary than the Enchanted Gem. The Enchanted Gem will enable you to contact the most matched slayer master to your combat level (Vannaka to those below combat level 70, Chaeldar to those between combat level 70 and 100 and Duradel from combat level 100+).

Once you activate the enchanted gem you have the following options

Slayer Master Options

The two most important options are "How am I doing so far?" which will tell you which monster you are killing, and how many you have left to kill of it such as "You're currently assigned to kill Cockatrice, only 85 more to go." The other important option is "Got any tips for me?" Then your slayer master will tell you advice such as "Werewolves are feral creatures, they are strong and tough with sharp claws and teeth"

The other two options "Who are you?" and "Where are you?" are simple questions which let you find out who your slayer master is (not just the name) and where to find him or her to get tasks from them.

Changing Assignments

If you think that a certain assignment is too tough or too boring, you have the ability to change it for another random assignment. At the Burthorpe Slayer Master (Turael), you can change it by asking for a new one. However, there are two snags:

  1. You cannot change Slayer assignments given by Turael.
  2. You cannot change an assignment by another master if the current monster assignment is assigned from Turael's list.

Slayer Masters

Each of the 5 Slayer Masters will give you an assignment with a different level of difficulty, depending on the master that you speak to. Some also have requirements before you are able to get an assignment from them.

Note: The following slayer task lists are by no means all-inclusive; they only detail the most common Slayer tasks.



Turael can be found in a small house near the southern entrance to Burthorpe. He gives the easiest Slayer assignments, and he has no set requirements.

Turael's Possible Assignments
Monster Where to Find
Banshees Canifis Slayer Tower
Bats Around Keep La Faye, Taverley Dungeon
Bears North of Falador, Ardougne Mine
Birds Chicken Farms around Lumbridge
Cave Bugs Lumbridge Swamp Caves
Cave Slime Lumbridge Swamp Caves
Cows Throughout RuneScape (in cow pens)
Crawling Hands Canifis Slayer Tower
Dogs Ardougne
Dwarves Dwarven Mine, Taverley Dungeon
Ghosts Draynor Mansion, Edgeville Dungeon
Goblins Around Lumbridge, Goblin Village
Kalphites Kalphite Dungeon
Icefiends Ice Iountain (north of Falador)
Minotaurs Stronghold of Security
Monkeys Karamja Island, Ape Atoll
Rats Lumbridge, Varrock Sewer, Edgeville Dungeon
Scorpions Al Kharid, Chasm Mine, Barbarian Mine
Skeletons Draynor Manor, Edgeville Dungeon
Wolves White Wolf Mountain
Zombies Edgeville Dungeon



Mazchna can be found in the northeast part of Canifis, near the Clothing Shop. He has no set level requirements, and he gives more difficult tasks than Turael, but generally the stronger the monster, the more Slayer Experience you will get.

Mazchna's Possible Assignments
Monster Where to Find
Banshees Canifis Slayer Tower
Bats Around Keep La Faye, Taverley Dungeon
Bears North of Falador, Ardougne Mine
Blue Dragons Taverley Dungeon, Heroes Guild
Cave Crawlers Fremennik Slayer Caves
Catablepon Stronghold of Security (Pit of Pestilence)
Cave Bugs Lumbridge Swamp Caves
Cave Slime Lumbridge Swamp Caves
Crawling Hands Canifis Slayer Tower
Dagganoths Lighthouse west of Rellekka
Desert Lizards South of Uzer
Dogs Ardougne
Earth Warriors Edgeville Wilderness Dungeon
Flesh Crawlers Stronghold of Security
Ghosts Draynor Mansion, Edgeville Dungeon
Ghouls Northwest of the Mort Myre Swamp
Green Dragons Wilderness
Hellhounds Ardougne Dungeon, Taverley Dungeon
Hill Giants Edgeville Dungeon, Wilderness
Hobgoblins Crandor, Edgeville Dungeon
Icefiends Ice Iountain (north of Falador)
Ice Warriors Port Sarim Ice Cavern
Kalphites Kalphite Dungeon
Killerwatts Through Oddenstein's Portal in Draynor Manor.
Lesser Demons Karamja Volcano, Taverley Dungeon
Mogres Mudskipper Point
Moss Giants Varrock Sewer, Wilderness
Pyrefiends Fremennik Slayer Caves
Rock Slugs Fremennik Slayer Caves
Scorpions Al Kharid, Chasm Mine, Barbarian Mine
Shades Mort'ton
Skeletons Draynor Manor, Edgeville Dungeon
Trolls Death Plateau
Vampires Swamp east of Canifis
Wall Beasts Lumbridge Slayer Dungeon
Werewolves Canifis
Wolves White Wolf Mountain
Zombies Edgeville Dungeon



Vannaka can be found in the Edgeville dungeon, just east of the Wilderness gate. He will give you Slayer tasks of 'medium' difficulty to complete, and you must be at least level 40 Combat or higher.

Vannaka's Possible Assignments
Monster Where to Find
Aberrant Specter Canifis Slayer Tower
Bloodvelds Canifis Slayer Tower
Blue Dragons Taverley Dungeon, Heroes Guild
Crawling Hands Canifis Slayer Tower
Crocodile Elid River, west of Nardah
Dagganoths Lighthouse west of Rellekka
Desert Lizards Kharidian Desert
Earth Warriors Edgeville Wilderness Dungeon
Elves Tirannwn Elf Camp
Fire Giants Waterfall
Ghouls Northwest of the Mort Myre Swamp
Green Dragons Wilderness
Hellhounds Ardougne Dungeon, Taverley Dungeon
Hill Giants Edgeville Dungeon, Wilderness
Ice Giants Port Sarim Ice Cavern, Wolf Mountain Cave
Ice Warriors Port Sarim Ice Cavern
Kalphites Kalphite Dungeon
Lesser Demons Karamja Volcano, Taverley Dungeon
Molanisk Dorgesh-kaan
Moss Giants Varrock Sewer, Wilderness
Ogres Feldip Hills, Tree Gnome Village Cavern
Otherworldly Beings Lost City of Zanaris
Pyre Fiends Fremennik Slayer Caves
Rock Slugs Fremennik Slayer Caves
Trolls Mountain Northwest of Burthorpe
Turoths Fremennik Slayer Caves
Vampires Swamp east of Canifis
Werewolves Canifis



Chaeldar can be found just south of the entrance to the Lost City of Zanaris. You need to equip your Dramen Staff from the Lost City Quest and enter the small shack in the Lumbridge Swamp to be teleported to the Lost City. You can also use the Fairy Ring in the Morytania Woods to get there. Chaeldar gives more difficult tasks, and for this reason he requires at least level 70 Combat.

Chaeldar's Possible Assignments
Monster Where to Find
Banshees Canifis Slayer Tower
Basilisks Fremennik Slayer Caves
Blue Dragons Taverley Dungeon, Heroes Guild
Bronze Dragons Brimhaven Dungeon
Cave Crawlers Fremennik Slayer Caves
Cave Horrors Mos Le'Harmless Caves
Cockatrices Fremennik Slayer Caves
Crawling Hands Canifis Slayer Tower
Dagganoths Lighthouse west of Rellekka
Elves Isafdar Woods
Fire Giants Waterfall
Greater Demons Entrana Dungeon, Brimhaven Dungeon, Ogre Enclave, Lava Maze Dungeon, Wilderness Demonic Ruins
Harpie Bug Swarms West of Tai Bwo Wannai, near Jogre Caves.
Hellhounds Ardougne Dungeon, Taverley Dungeon
Infernal Mages Canifis Slayer Dungeon
Iron Dragons Brimhaven Dungeon
Jellies Fremennik Slayer Caves
Jungle Horrors Mos Le'Harmless
Kalphites Kalphite Dungeon
Lesser Demons Karamja Volcano
Mollanisks Dorgesh-Kaan South Dungeon
Pyre Fiends Fremennik Slayer Caves
Shadow Warriors Legend's Guild Dungeon
Steel Dragons Brimhaven Dungeon
Trolls Death Plateau
Turoths Fremennik Slayer Caves
Wall Beasts Lumbridge Slayer Dungeon
Zygomites Lost City of Zanaris



Duradel can be found above the fishing store in Shilo Village. He gives the most difficult Slayer assignments of all the Slayer Masters, and he requires you to have at least level 100 Combat and 50 Slayer.

Duradel's Possible Assignments
Monster Where to Find
Aberrant Specters Canifis SlayerTower
Banshees Canifis Slayer Tower
Basilisks Fremennik Slayer Caves
Black Demons Taverley Dungeon
Bloodvelds Canifis Slayer Tower
Blue Dragons Taverley Dungeon, Heroes Guild
Bronze Dragons Brimhaven Dungeon
Cave Horrors Mos Le'Harmless Caves
Dagganoths Lighthouse west of Rellekka
Fire Giants Waterfall
Greater Demons Karamja Volcano
Iron Dragons Brimhaven Dungeon
Jellies Fremennik Slayer Caves
Kalphites Kalphite Dungeon
Lesser Demons Karamja Volcano
Mutated Zygomites Lost City of Zanaris
Pyre Fiends Fremennik Slayer Caves
Steel Dragons Brimhaven Dungeon
Trolls Death Plateau
Wall Beasts Lumbridge Slayer Dungeon


In order to kill some monsters, you may need to use a special Slayer item against them. Items range from weapons and armor to items that you need to use on the monster, and you can buy all of these items from your Slayer Master.

Slayer Equipment
Picture Item Requirements Cost What it Does
Enchanted Gem Enchanted Gem None 1 Activate this to call your Slayer Master.
Spiny Helm Spiny Helmet Level 1 Slayer
Level 5 Defense
650 Used to repel Wall Beast attacks.
Rock Hammer Rock Hammer Level 1 Slayer 500 Kills weakened Gargoyles.
Salt Bag Bag of Salt Level 1 Slayer 15 Kills weakened Rock Slugs.
Fishing Explosive Fishing Explosive Level 1 Slayer 63 Lures Mogres out of water.
Ice Cooler Ice Cooler Level 1 Slayer 1 Kills Desert Lizards
Facemask Facemask Level 10 Slayer 200 Protection vs. Dust Devils.
Earmuffs Earmuffs Level 15 Slayer 200 Protection vs. Banshees.
Slayer gloves Slayer Gloves Level 17 Slayer 200 Protects against Fever Spiders.
Mirror Shield Mirror Shield Level 25 Slayer
Level 20 Defense
5,000 Protection vs. Cockatrice and Basilisks.
Slayer bell Slayer Bell Level 30 Slayer 10 Causes Molanisks to fall off of walls.
Bug Lantern Bug Lantern Level 33 Slayer 200 Used to kill Harpie bug swarms
Insulated Boots Insulated Boots Level 37 Slayer 200 Protects against shocks from Killerwatts.
Broad Arrows Broad Arrows Level 55 Slayer
Level 50 Ranged
60 Kills Turoths and Kurasks.
Leaf Tip Spear Leaf-Tipped Spear Level 55 Slayer
Level 50 Attack
31,000 Kills Turoths and Kurasks.
Slayer staff Slayer Staff Level 55 Slayer
Level 50 Magic
21,000 Use the Magic Dart spell to kill Turoths and Kurasks.
Fungicide Spray Fungicide Spray Level 57 Slayer 300 Kills Mutilated Zygomites.
Fungicide Spray Can Fungicide Spray Can - 10 Refills your Fungicide Sprayer.
Witchwood Icon Witchwood Icon Level 58 Slayer 900 Protects against Cave Horrors.
Nosepeg Nosepeg Level 60 Slayer 200 Protection against Aberrant Specters.

Slayer Monsters

There are a variety of Slayer Monsters that you can kill using your Slayer skill. Some of them require you to use a specific item against them, or to have a higher Slayer level.

Slayer Monsters
Monster Slayer Level Combat Level Tactics or Required Equipment
Crawling Hand 5 8 or 12 No equipment needed.
Cave Bug 7 6 No equipment needed.
Cave Crawler 10 23 Always bring Antipoison Potions with you.
Banshee 15 23 Do not attack without Earmuffs. They drop herbs.
Cave Slime 17 23 Always bring Antipoison Potions with you. They drop Swamp Tar.
Rock Slug 20 29 You need a bag of Salt to kill them.
Desert Lizard 22 12 or 24 Use an Ice Cooler with it when it's hitpoints won't decrease anymore.
Cockatrice 25 37 Don't forget your Mirror Shield! They drop Limpwurt Roots and Iron Boots.
Pyrefiend 30 43 Magic-based attacks; wear Dragonhide armor. They drop Fire Runes and Steel Boots.
Mogre 32 60 Bring Fishing Explosives and throw them into the fishing spots at Mudskipper Point. Must have completed the Mogre Mini-Quest.
Harpie bug 33 46 Requires a Bug Lantern. Located East of the General store Nearest to Tai Bwo Wannai.
Wall Beast 35 49 They hide in cracks on walls -- wear your Spiny Helmet! They have 125 hits and usually hit no higher than 4.
Killerwatt 37 55 Don't forget your Insulated Boots to protect from their shocks!
Mollanisk 39 51 Requires a Slayer Bell to knock it off of a wall.
Basilisk 40 61 Don't forget your Mirror Shield.
Fever Spider 42 49 Don't forget your Slayer Gloves!
Infernal Mage 45 68 Magic-based attacks; wear Dragonhide armor.
Bloodveld 50 76 Magic-based attacks; wear Dragonhide armor.
Jelly 52 78 Bring good armor and food.
Turoth 55 83, 85,87 or 89 You can only kill these with Broad Arrows, Slayer Staff or a Leaf Tipped Spear.
Mutated Zygomite 57 74 or 86 Requires Fungicide Spray to kill it.
Cave Horror 58 80 Don't forget your Witchwood Icon to protect against them!
Aberrant Specter 60 96 Make sure you have Magic protection and a Nose Peg. Can reduce your stats to 2.
Dust Devil 65 93 Make sure you have a Facemask!
Kurask 70 106 You can only kill these with Broad Arrows, Slayer Staff or a Leaf Tipped Spear.
Skeletal Wyvern 72 140 Requires an Elemental Shield.
Gargoyle 75 111 When it's hitpoints don't decrease, use a Rock Hammer on it.
Nechryael 80 115 Bring food, melee armor and Prayer Potions.
Abyssal Demon 85 124 Bring armor, food and potions. They drop Abyssal Whips.
Dark Beast 90 182 Be very careful when fighting these monsters. Keep Prayer on! They can drop Death Talismans.

Slayer Dungeons

There are 3 main places where you can find Slayer monsters. Each dungeon offers different kinds of Slayer monsters.

Fremennik Caves

The Fremennik Caves can be found just east of the Golden Apple Tree, which is located southeast of the village of Rellekka. Slayer monsters inside include:

  • Cave Crawler
  • Cockatrice
  • Pyrefiend
  • Basilisk
  • Jelly
  • Turoth
  • Kurask

Canifis Slayer Tower

The Canifis Slayer Tower can be found to the northwest of the small swamp-town of Canifis. Before you can access this tower, you need to have completed the Priest in Peril quest. You can find the following Slayer monsters inside:

  • Crawling Hand
  • Banshee
  • Rock Slug
  • Infernal Mage
  • Bloodveld
  • Aberrant Specter
  • Gargoyle
  • Nechryael
  • Abyssal Demon

Lumbridge Swamp Caves

The Lumbridge Swamp Caves can be found in the Lumbridge Swamp, just west of the shack that brings you to the Lost City. It's very dark inside, and you'll need to make a lantern to see. Talk to the Candle Seller outside to learn how to make 1, and then go inside. Make sure to bring a Lantern, Tinderbox, Rope, Spiny Helmet, Food and an Antipoison potion. The following Slayer monsters can be found inside:

  • Cave Bug
  • Cave Slime
  • Wall Beast

Other Slayer Areas

Of course, the number of Slayer monsters appears to be increasing, and there are a number of other places where you can find some of the newer Slayer monsters:

  • Desert Lizard - Found just south of the Ruins Of Uzer & East across the river from Pollnivneach. To get there, take a magic carpet to Ruins of Uzer or if you haven't done the suitable quest take it to Pollniveach.
  • Mogre - found at Mudskipper Point.
  • Harpie Bugs - found on the northernmost beach of Karamja.
  • Killerwatt - found in the "Killerwatt Plane," which is inside the Interdimensional Rift on the third floor of Draynor Manor.
  • Fever Spider - located on Braindeath Island, in the Basement of the Pirates' Brewery.
  • Mutated Zygomite - found in the Lost City of Zanaris.
  • Cave Horror - located in the Mos Le'Harmless Caves.
  • Dust Devil - found in the Smoke Dungeon west of Pollnivneach.
  • Skeletal Wyvern - found in the Ice Cavern near Port Sarim (in Thurgo's Peninsula). Go through the cave entrance on the back wall (behind the Ice Giants).
  • Dark Beast - located in the Light Temple.
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