Written By Smasher
Special Thanks to Gazisere
The city of Rellekka in the Fremennik Province is a great place for Fishing, Thieving, Mining, or just spending time. It's a great place! Although, if you haven't yet completed the Fremennik Trials Quest, there isn't much you can do here.
Getting There
There are several ways to get to the city of Rellekka. Firstly, you can walk there from Seers' Village or Camelot Castle:

You can also get to Rellekka by using your Enchanted Lyre, which you can obtain from the Fremennik Trials Quest. You can use it twice before you need to get in enchanted again, in which case you must bring a Raw Shark and your regular Lyre to the Fossegrimen, indicated on the above map with a red circle around it.
Map of the City
There are all sorts of shops here, from a General Store, Fur Shop and Fishing Shop located in the Marketplace (3 and G), a Clothing Shop (5), and a Battle Gear Shop (8 and F).
Sigmund the Merchant
Sigmund the Merchant, found in the market in the center of the village, sells items that are normally found in a General Store, as well as some other helpful items.
Sigmund the Merchant |
Picture |
Item |
Price |
Tinderbox |
1gp |
Rope |
23gp |
Pestle & Mortar |
5gp |
Pot |
1gp |
Cooked Meat |
5gp |
Bread |
15gp |
Spade |
3gp |
Candle |
3gp |
Chisel |
1gp |
Hammer |
1gp |
Vial |
2gp |
Vial of Water |
2gp |
Bucket |
2gp |
Bucket of Water |
7gp |
Egg |
5gp |
Potato |
1gp |
Cabbage |
1gp |
Sigmund the Merchant is involved in the Fremennik Trials Quest, so you need to talk to him after you finish the quest you can buy from him.
Fur Trader
The Fur Trader in the marketplace will buy and sell both Bear and Gray Wolf Furs.
Fremennik Fur Trader |
Picture |
Item |
Price |
Bear Fur |
12gp |
Gray Wolf Fur |
60gp |
Fish Monger
You'll also find the Fish Monger in the marketplace, and he sells various fishing equipment and fish.
Fremennik Fish Monger |
Picture |
Item |
Price |
Small Net |
6gp |
Fishing Rod |
6gp |
Fly Fishing Rod |
6gp |
Harpoon |
6gp |
Lobster Pot |
26gp |
Fishing Bait |
3gp |
Feather |
2gp |
Big Net |
26gp |
Raw Shrimp |
6gp |
Raw Sardine |
13gp |
Raw Herring |
19gp |
Raw Mackerel |
22gp |
Raw Cod |
32gp |
Raw Anchovies |
19gp |
Raw Tuna |
100gp |
Raw Lobster |
45gp |
Raw Bass |
156gp |
Raw Swordfish |
260gp |
Raw Shark |
300gp |
You can steal Fish and Fur from the stalls in the market. It is the only place to steal Fish in RuneScape. And if you wait a few minutes you can trade the person from who you stole.
Clothing Shop
Here you can change your shoes for 500gp or buy more clothes by talking to Ysra
Yrsa's Accoutrements |
Picture |
Item |
Price |
Fremennik Shirts |
325gp |
Fremennik Robe |
650gp |
Fremennik Skirt |
650gp |
Fremennik Hat |
650gp |
Gloves |
650gp |
Fremennik Boots |
650gp |
Fremennik Cloaks |
325gp |
Battle Gear
The Battle Gear shop run by Skulgrimen sells Warhammers and different kinds of Fremennik Helmets, although you must have already completed the quest to buy them.
Skulgrimen's Battle Gear |
Picture |
Item |
Price |
Bronze Warhammer |
61gp |
Iron Warhammer |
224gp |
Steel Warhammer |
832gp |
Black Warhammer |
1,274gp |
Mithril Warhammer |
2,158gp |
Adamant Warhammer |
5,356gp |
Rune Warhammer |
53,950gp |
Archer Helmet |
78,000gp |
Berserker Helmet |
78,000gp |
Warrior Helmet |
78,000gp |
Farseer Helmet |
78,000gp |
Thorvald the Warrior is involved in the quest so you will need to talk to him.

Other Attractions
There are also some other places to check out while here in Rellekka.
(1&A) The Main Hall
The Main Hall, located east of the market, is where you can start the Fremennik Trials Quest by speaking to Brundt the Chieftain.

You can also buy several kinds of beer from Thora the Barkeep.

Rellekka Longhall Bar |
Picture |
Item |
Price |
Beer |
2gp |
Tankard of Beer |
26gp |
Keg of Beer |
362gp |
The first one is the regular Beer and the second one is the big mug that lowers your attack by 8 and strength by 6. Then there's the keg. They cost quite a bit and will get you quite drunk (and dizzy!) when you drink one.
Then there is Manni the Reveller.

He is involved in the quest so you need to talk to him, and once you beat the quest he will give you a beer every few times you talk to him.
You can use the Fire in the center to cook on, and you can take the Tankards of Beer from the tables to drink.
(2) Mining Area
The mining area to the northeast corner of the village is where you can mine for several kinds of ores, including:
(4) Crafting & Smithing House
The house in the western part of town contains 3 Anvils, a Furnace, a Potter's Wheel and a Spinning Wheel.
(6) The Docks
The Docks located to the north of the city is where you can catch a boat ride to one of the 2 nearby islands.
By talking to the Sailor, you can sail to Miscellania, where you'll also find the city of Etceteria. Although, you can only speak to him if you have finished the Fremennik Trials Quest.
Jarvald will bring you to Waterbirth Island, where you can fight some unique monsters.

(7) Fishing Area
Nearby is the place for fishing! Here you can:
- Net Fish
- Bait Fish
- Cage
- Harpoon
(9) Altar
To the south of the city is the Altar. If you offer (use) a Raw Shark with it, your Lyre from the quest will become enchanted and it can teleport you to Rellekka when you play it. It will have 2 teleport uses before it must be re-enchanted. You can buy Raw Sharks from the Fish Monger.
Quest People
Here are all of the remaining people that you need to speak to during the quest:
- Peer the Seer - B

- Swensen the Navigator - C

Sigli the Huntsman - D

- Olaf the Bard - E

Training Area
To the north of the city are some low-level Rock Crabs which have quite a few hitpoints. There are also some Hobgoblins to the north, along with a Nature Rune and a Sapphire respawn which you need to use Telekinetic Grab to get.