Crandor Island
Written By Gain Again
Original Guide By Kasun3 & Danirijeka
Special Thanks To Neo Avatars, Mrcsupertrain, Sayf, Warrior 5499, Simple013, Bulimic Pig
Welcome to Crandor Isle! One of the only islands in RuneScape without houses. There are many things to do here. Level up combat, mine to your heart's content here or get a Rune Medium Helmet from the Lesser Demons who wander around. There are lots of safespots around, very useful. Come with us, and see the wonderful place of Crandor!
Getting There
There are practically two ways to get to Crandor:
For the instructions on the boat way, view the Dragon Slayer Quest guide.
So, onto the passage!
This shows the route after you've taken the boat from Port Sarim to Musa Point. Click on the Climb-Down Rocks option.
Next, walk to the secret passageway, to Crandor following this route:
Beware of the Lesser Demons and the Skeletons!
Climb up the rope...
So, we've arrived on Crandor Isle! Have a good time here!
Map of the Island
Mining Areas
This is the best freeplay mining spot in RuneScape by far. There's only one point that isn't that great. The bank is far away. It's advised that you take superheat runes along with your pickaxe.
You can mine at Crandor:
- 10 Coal ore
- 7 Mithril ore
- 3 Gold ore
- 3 Adamantite ore
(2) Coal and Adamantite Mine
This mine contains three Adamantite and three Coal rocks.
(3) Mithril Mine:
This mine contains six Mithril rocks.
(4) Coal and Mithril Mine:
You will find seven Coal and one Mithril rock in this mine.
(5) Gold Mine:
This Gold mine contains three rocks for mining.
There are several monsters on Crandor to battle, including
- Lesser Demons
- Hobgoblins
- Moss Giants
- King Scorpions
- Skeletons
Crandor is loved by rangers, because of the many safespots around there. You've got monsters for every range level to kill. The same goes for meleers because of the Moss Giants, which are pretty good experience. The Lesser Demons are ranged and melee'd, but the spot here is - although there are only 2 Lesser Demons - less crowded than in the
Karamja Volcano.
It's possible to get food on Musa Point, walk through the passageway and fight. This is the most used way on Crandor.
Lesser Demons
Moss Giants
This image shows clearly that the Moss Giants are loved for training
Here is a map of the safespots here on Crandor Isle. The white spots are the safespots where you can stand, while the yellow dots are where the monsters are located.
This is the point where you can go to the rest of Crandor, it takes a bit of luring:
This is the same point, but the other way around:
This one is north at the highest plateau. Below you can see the Coal mine:
This is at the east side of the highest plateau:
This is just a little bit to the west from the former spot. The jungle plant blocks the demon:
Again, totally north at the highest plateau:
This is east on the highest plateau. Actually easy to find, notice the creeping plants and jungle vine:
This is again totally north on the highest plateau:
Just northwest of the entrance:
This spot is showed in another picture, but this is the other way around:
The leaves do not block the Demons. However, Jungle Plants do. You can see if they're jungle plants by right clicking.
This spot uses the coal rocks to block the monsters. Both the hobgoblin and Scorpion can be attacked:
This is one of the moss giant spots. It only works for the most east Giant though:
This is simply using the mine as cover, you need telegrab if you want the drops:
The Shipwreck
This is the ship, the "Lady Lumbridge" that crashed in Dragon Slayer. There's nothing really special here, besides a few Plank respawns.
You can talk to both Ned, and the Cabin Boy who is located upstairs in the ship.
Cabin Boy Jenkins