New Forest
Written By Warren
Special Thanks to Neo Avatars, Cameron Smart, ~RuniteSlayer~
The New Forest plays a role in the seconds part of the Fairy Tale Quest series, Cure a Queen. There isn't much going on here, but it sure is an interesting place in RuneScape.
Getting There
Make sure you have your Dramen Staff equiped, and then go to one of the Fairy rings located around Zanaris, type in the code B K Q and the ring will do its power, bringing you to the New Forest!
Note: Make sure you have started Fairy Tale Part 2 and have to permission to enter the forest.
Map of the Area
There's not really alot of stuff here apart from some magical creatures which really make these forest mystical and magical.
(1) Waterfall
This is the first thing you will see when you walk out into the forest, you can actually walk underneath it!
(2) Ancient Pine Trees
These trees are heavily guarded by Tree Spirits, no matter what tree you chop down you will always get a Tree Spirit. They always are the same level as your normal random event level. This just shows how ancient and old this forest really is.
(3) Centaurs
There are two Centaurs that live in the Forest, one will greet you with "Welcome to our Valley" while the other one says "What a funny creature you are! You have 2 legs!"
I bet some of you people do wonder what a Centuar is. Well I'll tell you: it's a funny creature that is half horse and half person.
(4) Wood Dryad
There is a lonely Wood Dryad wondering the forest, you can speak to her and ask her "Why have you got twigs growing out of your head?", she replies "What a strange question, that's because I'm a Wood Dryad!"
(5) Animals
What is a forest without any animals? There are two animals that roam the forest, a lonely Stag and many Rabbits. Both these creatures only drop bones - so this means no rabbit meat for you to cook and eat! Stags are level 15 and Rabbits are level 1.
Now that you know all about the New Forest, you can explore it yourself! If you want you can set up your very own shrine to Nature (some people call him Guthix), or if you are the type that likes nature and animals you can set up your very own Nature Reserve.