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  Void Knights' Outpost

Void Knights' Outpost

Written By Magic Star94 and Zachary

The Void Knights' Outpost is located on a small island south of Ape Atoll, and's main attraction is the Pest Control Mini-Game. Although, it is also home to several shops and other useful buildings.

Getting There

The Void Knights Outpost is a little island just south of Ape Atoll, but the only way to get there is to take the ship that is in Port Sarim. The red box shows where the ship is.

Port Sarim Map

When you get there, speak to the Squire, and tell him you would like to return to his outpost.

I'd like to go to your outpost

Map of the City

Void Knights' City Map 


Smither's Workshop

The squire that runs the Smithers' Work Shop can repair pick-axes, hatchets, and Barrows armour. There are also 2 anvils that you are free to use.

Smither's Workshop

The Bank

This is just like any other bank. There are 2 squire-bankers, and they can also help you set up your Bank PIN.

Void Knights' Bank

Pest Control Mini-Game

To the south of the island, there is a dock and a ship. This is the starting point of the Pest Control Mini-game, and when you board the ship, you will be shortly be transported to a nearby island. You have to defend the Void Knight from death. He performs a ceremony that destroys the 4 surrounding portals, but it takes 20 minutes. You can also attack the portals your self, and it may take shorter than 20 minutes. But beware: The portals have high defense, hitpoints, and spinners will heal them!


Once all 4 portals are destroyed and the Void Knight is still alive, you win! You will receive one point, and an amount of cash. The cash amount is your combat level X 10. So for example, if I have level 80 combat, I would get 800 coins.


But you can also lose if the monsters kill the Void Knight before the portals are destroyed! If you lose, you won't win any points or coins, and can always try again.


Redeeming Your Points

Once you have a point, you can trade it in for combat experience! Speak to any of the Void Knights, which are found near the northern dock and north of the southern dock and select "Exchange Void Knight".

Exchange Void Knight

Then a window will pop up, and you can choose what skill you want to spend your point(s) on. The xp amount that you get depends on the current level of that skill. You can only choose one skill to train per point.

Void Knights' Training Options


General Store

The Void Knights' General Store sells the following items:

Void Knights' General Store
Picture Item Price
Field Ration Field Ration 390gp
Tinderbox Tinderbox 1gp
Pot Pot 1gp
Jug Jug 1gp
Shears Shears 1gp
Bucket Bucket 2gp
Bowl Bowl 5gp
Cake tin Cake Tin 13gp
Chisel Chisel 1gp
Bronze Hatchet Bronze Hatchet 20gp

The Archery Store

Void Knights' Archery Store
Picture Item Price
Bronze Javelin Bronze Javelin 4gp
Iron Javelin Iron Javelin 6gp
Steel Javelin Steel Javelin 24gp
Mith Javelin Mithril Javelin 64gp
Adamant Javelin Adamant Javelin 160gp
Rune Javelin Rune Javelin 400gp
Bronze Tips Bronze Tips 1gp
Iron Tips Iron Tips 2gp
Steel Tips Steel Tips 6gp
Mith Tips Mithril Tips 16gp
Adam Tips Adamant Tips 40gp
Rune Tips Rune Tips 200gp

The Magic Shop

Void Knights' Magic Store
Picture Item Price
Fire Rune Fire Rune 5gp
Water Rune Water Rune 5gp
Air Rune Air Rune 5gp
Mind Rune Mind Rune 5gp
Body Rune Body Rune 5gp
Earth Rune Earth Rune 5gp
Chaos Rune Chaos Rune 100gp
Death Rune Death Rune 220gp
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